대한민국 과학을 이끌어가는 과학자들의 연구와 삶을 들여다보며 그들을 응원하는 브라보 K-SCIENTIST. 예순아홉 번째 주인공! 옥용식 박사. ‘사람의 손으로 만든 모든 것은 반드시 아름답거나 추한 모습을 띠게 된다. 자연과 조화를 이루면 아름다운 것이고, 자연과 조화를 이루지 못하거나 자연에 위협을 가하면 추한 것이다 - 윌리엄 모리스’ 지난 2월, 환경부는 팬데믹 이후 택배와 음식배달 이용량이 급증하...
UN SDGs기반 환경융합난제 및 난제도전 글로벌 혁신 주제로 2020년 10월 29일 진행된 국제협력전략워크숍에서 고려대학교 옥용식 회장님이 발표하신 내용입니다.
Climate: World at risk of hitting temperature limit soonBy David ShukmanScience editorIt's becoming more likely that a key global temperature limit will be reached in one of the next five years.A major study says by 2025 there's a 40% chance of at least one year being 1.5C hotter than the pre-industrial level.That's the lower of two temperature limits set by the Paris Agreement on climate change.The conclusion comes in a report published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).The analysis is based on modelling by the UK Met Office and climate researchers in 10 countries including the US and China.In the last decade, it was estimated that the chance of any one year reaching the 1.5C threshold was only 20%.This new assessment puts that risk at 40%.Vietnam's children and the fear of c...
What is the “G” in ESG?HIGHLIGHTSThe “G” in ESG refers to the governance factors of decision-making, from sovereigns’ policymaking to the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in corporations, including the board of directors, managers, shareholders, and stakeholders.The purpose of the corporation, the role and makeup of boards of directors, and the compensation and oversight of top executives have emerged as core issues in companies’ corporate governance structures.When analyzing environmental, social, and governance factors, the “G” element is often forgotten amid considerations over climate risk, societal implications and other “E” and “S” risks and opportunities. However, understanding governance risks and opportunities in deci...