Analysis of the total carbon dioxide emissions of countries since 1850 has revealed the nations with the greatest historical responsibility for the climate emergency. But six of the top 10 have yet to make ambitious new pledges to cut their emissions before the crucial UN Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow in November.The six include China, Russia and Brazil, which come only behind the US as the biggest cumulative polluters. The UK is eighth and Canada is 10th. Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for centuries and the cumulative amount of CO2 emitted is closely linked to the 1.2C of heating the world has already seen.At the UN negotiations, historical emissions underpin the claims for climate justice made by developing nations, along with the disparity in wealth of nations...
Scientists using artificial intelligence to sift through around 100,000 climate studies were trying to put a number on how many people in the world were already experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis.Instead, they discovered something else: there is a worrying inequality in the world of climate science.The shoreline of Kadavu Island in Fiji, where rising sea levels have led to coastal erosion.Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/The New York Times/ReduxClimate change studies are twice as likely to focus on wealthier countries in Europe and North America than low-income countries like those in Africa and the Pacific Islands. That blind spot is a problem, as the Global South is and will continue to be more profoundly impacted by the climate crisis than wealthier countries.The ability to link the...
사업을 통해 국가와 국민에게 이바지한다는 '사업보국'을 위해 우리 기업의 1세대 창업자들은 불굴의 기업가정신을 발휘했다. 끊임없는 도전을 주창한 정주영 회장, 인재 제일주의를 실천한 이병철 회장, 모범이 되고자 노력한 김우중 회장을 비롯한 구인회, 최종건, 김종희 회장은 기업과 사회가 가치를 공유하는, 즉 마이클 포터 교수가 제안했던 공유가치 창출(Creating Shared Value)을 이미 실천한 기업가정신의 선각자들이었다. 1980년대부터 성장을 위한 치열한 글로벌 경쟁 속에서 1세대 창업자들의 기업가정신은 사라지고 우리 기업은 경제적 가치 창출에만 온 힘을 기울였다. 우리 기업이 국가와 국민보...
자료=서스틴베스트ESG(환경·사회·지배구조) 경영 성과가 좋은 기업일수록 영업이익률·순이익률 등 수익성이 우수하다는 분석 결과가 나왔다. 또 코로나19 장기화 속에서도 ESG 경영 성과가 좋은 기업들이 더 높은 투자 수익률을 기록한 것으로 확인됐다. 광고28일 ESG 전문 평가 업체인 서스틴베스트에 따르면 ESG 경영 성과와 기업의 재무 성과를 나타내는 수익성의 회귀분석 결과, ESG 종합 성과가 1년 후 기업의 수익성에 유의미한 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. ESG 종합 성과가 우수한 기업일수록 1년 후 수익성이 높게 나타났다는 의미다.서스틴베스트는 ESG 경영 성과 관련 자체적인 ESG 평가 ...
One hundred people from around the world are to take part in a citizens’ assembly to discuss the climate crisis over the next month, before presenting their findings at the UN Cop26 climate summit.The Global Citizens’ Assembly will be representative of the world’s population, and will invite people chosen by lottery to take part in online discussions that will culminate in November, during the fortnight-long climate talks that open in Glasgow on 31 October.Funded with nearly $1m, from sources including the Scottish government and the European Climate Foundation, the assembly is supported by the UN and UK and run by a coalition of more than 100 organisations.António Guterres, the UN secretary general, said: “Last month I launched Our Common Agenda, a roadmap t...