국제ESG협회(회장 이재혁, 옥용식 교수)는 지난 6월 24일부터 29일까지 싱가포르 CREATE에서 에이미 코(Amy Khor) 싱가포르 지속가능환경부 선임국무장관의 기조연설을 시작으로 ‘2023글로벌 ESG 포럼’을 성황리에 개최했다고 밝혔다.한국 기업들의 ESG 경영 현황을 점검하고 향후 추진 전략에 포함해야 하는 다양한 주제들에 대해서 하버드대학교 경영대학원 숀콜 교수, 앨랜맥아더재단, 블랙록, S&P 글로벌, 국립싱가포르대학교 경영대학원 교수들을 포함하여 미국, 영국, 호주, 캐나다, 중국, 홍콩, 싱가포르, 폴란드, 인도, 말레이시아 등 다양한 국가에서 참석한 200여 명의 연사 및 참가자들이 열띤 토론을 ...
The banking industry is facing mounting pressure to meet fast-changing demands in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. New and evolving regulations call for greater transparency and disclosure of ESG-related data (see sidebar, “ESG regulatory and disclosure requirements”). Stakeholders and investors are increasing their scrutiny of the effects investment decisions have on the climate and society. Consumers are holding banks to higher ESG standards as well—in 2019, about 14 percent of total client-driven revenues were controlled by consumers whose banking preferences were influenced by concern about purpose and sustainability.ShareSidebarESG regulatory and disclosure requirementsTo meet these expectations, banks must adapt their IT systems to systematically collect...
It was another tumultuous year for humanity and business. Inflation, supply chain problems, the first war in Europe in 80 years, and much more came together to challenge us all.The existential challenges we face — which the business community is increasingly being asked to help solve — got worse this year. We experienced climate-change-driven extreme weather: with record heat waves in Europe, India, and the earth’s poles; sprawling fires in the U.S.; and the shocking summer floods in Pakistan that covered one-third of the country. In the largest context of all — how many people live on this planet — took a symbolic step forward as we hit 8 billion people. (And no, the fusion energy breakthrough will not save us all).In the realm of what is mainly cal...
A swiftly changing geopolitical and macroeconomic backdrop has shifted the ESG and climate landscape at a rapid pace, making it imperative that investors understand the challenges and opportunities that companies face.Climate remains at the top of the ESG agenda, with regulators increasingly conscious of the role they need to play alongside governments in ensuring companies and countries meet their climate-related obligations.Beyond climate, ESG is increasingly affecting many other areas, including impacts on everyday life. This year, we have drilled down to bring these detailed insights to you and help inspire some fresh thinking.The last year has seen a seismic shift in the ESG and climate landscape. Regulators are upping the ante on everything from greenwashing to stricter climate targe...
In recent years tremendous progress has been made in standardizing and quantifying measures of companies’ performance on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. There has also been a surge in investor interest in companies that are rated highly on ESG performance or appear to be taking ESG goals seriously. Yet surprisingly few companies are making meaningful progress in delivering on their ESG commitments. Of the 2,000 global companies tracked by the World Benchmarking Alliance, most have no explicit sustainability goals, and among those that do, very few are on track to meet them. Even companies that are making progress are, in most cases, merely instituting slow and incremental changes without the fundamental strategic and operational shifts necessary to meet th...