Qatar’s Sustainable Finance SurgeIn 2024, Qatar set a regional benchmark by issuing $2.5B in green bonds to fund environmentally friendly projects, marking a new era for sustainable finance.Invest Qatar’s report, Sustainable Growth in Qatar – Road to ESG Investing, noted, “This issuance positions Qatar as a leader in the region for sustainable finance.”Related Article: Iberdrola’s USD 525M Green Bond Issuance Garners Strong Investor DemandPioneering ESG StrategiesQatar Central Bank (QCB) launched its ESG and sustainable strategy in 2024, aiming to establish Qatar as a hub for sustainable finance.Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) introduced the Gulf’s first sustainable Sukuk and bond framework in 2022, paving the way for ESG-aligned investments.Qatar National Bank (QNB) s...
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced the signing of the Climate Change Superfund Act, a new piece of legislation aimed at requiring fossil fuel companies to pay for a share, proportionate to their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, of the investments in infrastructure needed to adapt to climate change.The text of the legislation estimates that the new act is anticipated to require fossil fuel companies to pay approximately $75 billion through 2050, or about $3 billion per year.he new legislation builds on similar programs in place in New York requiring entities responsible for environmental problems to help pay for cleanup, including the Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Program and the Oil Spill Fund.According to the text of the Act, the state will be required over t...
Key findingsIn 2025, the EU CSRD will standardize sustainability disclosures, promising greater transparency but introducing challenges for financial institutions as sector standards will come with a time lag.Financial institutions will need to navigate CSRD, SFDR and ESG fund-naming rules, aligning with stringent fossil-fuel exclusions, to avoid noncompliance and reputational risk.Globally, ISSB-based climate disclosures will foster data availability outside the EU but mushrooming green taxonomies will mostly retain regional flavors, challenging globally consistent sustainable-investment strategies.In the EU, the standardization of sustainability data will reach a milestone in 2025 with companies in scope of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) reporting, for the first ...
넷제로를 위해 설립된 기후연합, 글래스고 넷제로 금융연합(Global Financial Alliance for Net Zero, GFANZ)가 여러 유명 은행, 보험사, 자산 운용사들이 탈퇴한 후 조정에 나서고 있다고 지난 1일(현지시간) 블룸버그 통신이 보도했다.GFANZ는 금융 부문에서 2050년까지 넷제로 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 출범한 이니셔티브로, 지난 2021년에 영국 글래스고에서 열린 제26차 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP26)에서 설립되었다. GFANZ는 금융 부문 내 다양한 하위 이니셔티브가 있는데, NZBA(은행 부문), NZAMI(자산운용 부문), NZAOA(연기금 등 자산소유자 부문), NAIA(보험 부문) 등이 있다. 마크 카니 전 유엔 기...
◆ 데일리 ESG 정책_25.1.2.1. 환경 정책, 2025년 이렇게 달라진다환경부(장관 김완섭)는 2025년부터 달라지는 주요 10개 환경정책을 공개했다. 새롭게 도입되는 10개 정책은 국민과 기업의 관심도가 높은 정책을 위주로 선별됐으며, 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.▲배출권거래제 시장참여자 확대 및 시장유연성 제고‘온실가스 배출권의 할당 및 거래에 관한 법률’에 따라 올해 2월부터 배출권할당대상업체(이하 할당업체)뿐만 아니라 집합투자업자, 은행 및 보험사, 기금관리자 등 기관투자자도 배출권 시장에 참여할 수 있게 된다. 또한, 당초에 배출권 거래는 배출권거래소(한국거래소)를 통해서만 가능했으나, ...